Monday 16 August 2010

Maureen Lee; Lights out Liverpool.

For Christmas this year, I opened a book shaped from my Grandma (Ma-Ma - her affectionate name) present to find a Maureen Lee book; Lights out Liverpool. I've never before really read many home based war books (I'm a Liverpool girl myself) other than Welsh Scouse when I was around 6 or 7. I had deliberately saved it until I'd finished the mass pile of books I received because I knew it was one of a series. I'm glad I did, because now, my other books have been cruelly cast aside to make room for Maureen's wonderful books.

Those who know me, know about my deep fascination with WWII, the people, the battles, the love stories and the fashion. Maureen touches on each of these in a delicate and perceptive way. It's a fusion of my interests and even mentions EGYPTOLOGY! (My chosen university course!!!) Her book, "Lights out Liverpool" left me unable to sleep properly for the past few nights wondering what became of Nick and Eileen Costello...if Francis would return to his tormenting, evil ways, if Ruth would return home to her father with a husband and children in tow....all of these things. At the weekend I bought the next in the Pearl Street series; 'Put out the Fires' and am already half way through it.
She conveys the relationships of the people of Pearl Street with particular beauty and sensitivity. I adore the romance between Cal and Sheila, and will admit I was heartbroken when I thought...well, I won't say, because it will spoil it for anyone who wants to read it. Let's just say on a number of occasions I have shed a tear or two! Maureen has a particular skill of creating undying love with as few a words possible. She cuts out the often unnecessary poncey, pansy ways of describing love and gets to the point whilst describing the feelings of love in such a perfect way. I kept putting myself in Eileen's position, thinking, "What would I do if that were me and my other half instead of Eileen and Nick.'' Also, I love the descriptions of the lives of Freda and Dicky, the two children who were cruelly treated by their mother, who despite all odds, still loved them. I wished they could have stayed with their Evacuation family, but alas...certain events changed that. I'm eager to find out more about what happens to those two in "Put out the Fires."

Not only have I cried at some of the heartbreaking moments of this book, but I have laughed until my sides were sore. One line in particular; "I'VE WET MESELF!" You will understand if you read! I don't want to give too much away! Reading a book in my own accent has been a delight. It's so great being able to recognise our funny sayings and ways. I love the way it is tainted by 'scouse humour.' For anyone who is not aware, us scousers are the funniest of all people. And THAT is not debatable! (1941 - Bootle)
The book I am writing currently is about the war, and like Maureen, I intend to undertake serious research to ensure the facts are all right. Maureen, I think it is safe to say, you have a new fan and I shall continue reading your brilliant and beautifully written books with enthusiasm!


*all images (aside from bombed houses) sourced from Maureen's official website.

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