The story behind the eye is an interesting one; Horus, went into battle with the God Set, to avenge his father. Set tore out Horus' eye, shredded it and cast it away. Horus however, was victorious in battle and the God Thoth, the God of magic and wisdom, had mended Horus' eye for him. Upon the retrival of his eye, Horus gave it to his father. This act of love and compassion brought him back to life. Therefore, the eye, is a symbol for not only power and protection, but for love, compassion and victory.
I like what it represents and what it means. Egypt has been my obsessesion since a very young age which is what compelled me to get this tattoo. Suprisingly, it didn't hurt as much as I imagined. It was more, uncomfortable than anything. Certain bits made me clench my teeth though.
Loooooovely =)
I never knew about this! It's beautiful Shell! I'm still going through the process of deciding to get one or not xD